
Think of the earth
and the roots that run through it,
at once
drawing up nutrients
and creating its stability —
though hidden,
essential —
carrying each other.

We carry each other,
in dark and unseen ways,
apparent in the light that we do so,
but opaque in terms of how
and for what purpose —
the mechanism —
underneath, ungraspable,
perhaps even untraceable.

Love is not a temple,
except in the way it looks
and can feel.
There are no victors, no sages,
just worms and beetles —
following their own muses —
tinkering in the soil.

Thinking through ‘One,’ a U2 song sung by Johnny Cash.

6 responses to “One”

  1. A really great poem makes me feel wordless in terms of commentary or explication. This is a really great poem. 🙂


  2. The sign of a great song is its ability to send our minds in directions they might not otherwise take. This poem takes that one step further. Well done.
    (btw… Johnny Cash could really surprise, in his choices of cover songs. His voice takes a song like “One” in one of those side-step directions. I can see how it inspired you.)


    • Thank you. I have never been much of a Johnny Cash fan, but lately, he has been getting into my bones. He goes to some dark, dark places — and explains them. Thanks again for your kind words.


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